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Every program utilised in this site was free of charge, either through a restricted trial version, a time-sensitive trial version (e.g. free 7-day trial) or free-to-use.

PowerPoint is a free website builder. This entire website that you have explored was created using the Wix website. Templates are provided to start off the creativity, and images, videos, and links are just a small example of tools that can be personalised to suit the creators needs. is an online presentaion creator. These presentation are zoom-based, meaning that the audience can zoom through a story. The presentation on "fun" ICTs was created using is an online website that can be used to create interactive concept maps.

Concept maps are a great way to organise ideas and thoughts in a colourful and concise manner. The image used on the "create" page was created using is an online website that allows the user to make thier own animated video. It is free to sign up, but with a premium account, more backgrounds, characters, and themes become available. The introductory video on the homepage was created using GoAnimate.

PowerPoint is a program that comes from the Microsoft Office package. It used to create slideshows, and users can insert videos, images, music and narration. These can be also animated. 

PowerPoint was used to create the "Communicating Using ICTs" on the Communicate page.

© 2015 by Lisa Connolly. Proudly created with

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